Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Airshow Photography: More than a dot in the sky

What the!!!
Whats this, this isn't Nature or Wildlife related.

Good observation.

There is only one thing that compares to nature and travel photography, and for me thats taking pictures of planes. Aviation photography

Even with big fast zoom lenses, you can still end up with lots of pictures of dots in the sky.

So today I am listing some techniques to avoid this.

Of course with the big fast glass you can get some fantastic shots of:

  • static displays
  • low level flybys
  • landing shots
  • taxiing
But you can still have trouble with aircraft in flight. This is particularly true of formation and aerobatic displays.

Nothing is more dull that a nice formation of dots, or worse a a slightly larger dot flying inverted.

The Solution

To alleviate this aerobatic aircraft are often fitted with smoke generators. This not only looks pretty but it leaves a lasting impression of the aircaft's flight path.

So How does this help me

You will only hear this once from me so take note:

Even with your big zoom, pull back. Try to get some of the smoke path in the shot.

If you don't have the glass then you can't pull back so you have to work your composition to include the smoke trail.

This gives the viewer an idea of what is going on. A sense of motion.

Even those lovely frame filling shots of an inverted plane are dull, they give the viewer no sense of the amazing aerobatic sequence.

By making room for the smoke trail the viewers eye can follow the path of the aircraft, thus giving life to your photo.

Next time you are at an airshow give it a try, you will get a lot of duds but some will work nicely.

The above shot is of Pip Borrman and his Edge 540 at the Barossa Airshow near Adelaide, Australia.

To see more of this style of shot check out the aviation section of the WildFocus Images website. Aerobatics, Airshows

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