Friday, August 24, 2007

LightRoom 1.1 Captions

The Scenario You have just come back from a 4 week safari and you have thousands of images. After culling and renaming you still have a few thousand. Now you have the horror of captioning!!!

For a handy helper....

LightRoom 1.1 to the rescue! Well lets not get too carried away but the other night I found a handy little feature which saved me considerable time.

On the Mac version of Lightroom you can click the Caption label and it displays a list of recently used captions!! Very cool indeed.
Ok old news to some of you maybe but its still cool.

Its helpful if you don't like lots of variation in your captions, which is ok if you have a "few" shots of zebras at Etosha. I am mean how many ways can you say the same thing.

Either way it saved me a heap of time.

Not sure if it works on the PC version, my quick play last night on PC suggested it didn't but I don't use that version much.

If it does let me know

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