Monday, July 23, 2007

Whats going on here then!

From self indulgent rambling to the brave new world of focus.

Whats the point of this blog?

Over time I would hope that this site builds up a repository of tips, hints and anything remotely involved in the world of digital photography. With more of a focus on the wildlife and travel side of photography.
That way even if no one else reads it I can use it to remind me of stuff, but I am sure somebody out there will get some use out of this as well.

What you will not get:

This is not yet another "school of photography", featuring content on exposure, aperture etc. That content is already covered very well by numerous other sites.

By stating this I am sure I have doomed myself and within a month I will have some dubious article about the mechanics of photography.

So what's that leave??

A surprising amount hopefully.  Since WildFocus Images concentrates on Wildlife and Travel photography, I will be looking at traveling to exotic destinations to shoot images.  Where to go, what to take etc.
We will also be delving into the seamy world of digital processing, not so much "How to do a layer mask in CS3" but more workflow and general survival in the overloaded digital world.
Photography in the digital age means tech gadgets so I will be posting my research into new items as I require them. Once I have purchased and used the item it will be review time.

Who is this for?

In a nutshell, YOU.  Seriously its for anyone with a passion for wildlife photography, nature photography, travel photography and pretty much any outdoor photography. You don't have to be a pro, in fact its more the serious amateur line we are revolving around. That said even newbies will get something out of this, even if its just a list of gear to drool on and places to add to the wish list.

I aim to make it an interactive place over time, so please add comment. Voice an opinion.

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